Today is day 1. My anxiety is horrible

Today is day 1. My anxiety is horrible.


Today is almost over. So you got 1 down.

You’re so right. Good way to look at it

I completely understand. I’m on day 3 and my mood swings, depression and anxiety are through the roof. But once you get through the first couple days I feel like we’re out of the hardest part

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I sure hope. Today’s awful

Are you having detox/withdrawal symptoms? If so are you seeing a doctor?

I really does get easier. I have pretty severe anxiety and depression and I am a bit over a year sober. I still have down days of course. The anxiety and depression disorders don’t vanish, but I know how to seek help now. Most days are actually better now then when I was getting loaded. I would not have thought that possible.
Stay strong!

Hang in there, Caroline. I know that feeling all too well and it SUCKS. It will pass...I usually give myself 3-5 days until the anxiety starts to quiet down. I'm sorry though because I know it feels horrible.

You got this! It’s rough but just take it an hour at a time.

Oh gosh. I remember that anxiety. It is unlike any other anxiety I've ever felt. It was crippling and I thought it'd never end. But it does. I promise. For me, I had to go on walks - constantly. I just needed to move and be away from the environment that I'd made toxic. I stayed busy, drank tons of water, and took it minute by minute. I eventually sought out help through a detox center near me, and spent the five months following in a residential rehabilitation center. Every day, it got better. And now, my best day using cannot even compare to my worst day sober. Sobriety is worth it. YOU are worth it. Hang in there, and know you are never alone.


I’m proud of you! 24 hours is all you can do at a time. Look at you sober. Keep that shit up!!

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