Today is day 1 after being on a straight binge

Today is day 1 after being on a straight binge for a few months. Angry, sick, anxious as hell. Have lots of numbers of women in AA. But wont use them for some reason. I am miserable. Scared that I may die if I dont stop. My husband is also alcoholic, so it has been difficult for both of us. I thought this format, not being face to face, would help.

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Reach out to those women, they won't judge you. It may seem difficult to do at first but you'll be glad you did.

I hear you!! I'm so scared that I'm going to die, and I can never get myself to reach out to people for help. I'm just stuck in this awful, vicious cycle. I just happened to see an ad for this app today when I was looking for help online so I thought I'd give it a try… Same thinking, maybe this more anonymous format will help me engage a little more. Good luck to you!

I agree you got to have strong connections with other women with time under their belt in sobriety lack of connection and having a husband who still drinks can take you out real quick I have been there done that I tried that for 7 years

Stay strong