Today is awful I’m still detoxing a little and I

Today is awful I’m still detoxing a little I’m clammy and I feel nauseous and have zero energy. I want to use so bad but I will prolly od

What is going on?

I’m overwhelmed with emotions. I miss my bf who is in rehab, living in our room makes me miss him more. I’ve got no sober friends to talk to. Depressed and body feels shitty. I just want to sleep the rest of my life away. I thought for a minute that maybe life was better using

What is your drug of choice

Fentynal. Coke secondly.

I got muscle relaxers from my doctor today and I bought kpins to help my thoughts stop racing

And think about this your bf is in rehab you stay using what happens when he gets out and your high ?
That probably won’t work
So the best thing you can do is stay clean for yourself and this will benefit him also if you guys want your relationship to work it’s the best thing you can do

I know things can be hard at times but they don’t stay that way I’m 13 years clean off meth and yes it was hard but so worth it

I know. We can’t use together ever.

I’m Going to try and sleep it off. Maybe tomorrow will be better

I would start going to meetings find a sponsor and get clean
I hope it wasn’t the using thing that you two had in common if so you need to help by getting your self clean

We have known each other for 20 years but for the past 9 months we realized we were more than friends and used on and off together. I’m going to hit a meeting when I wake up tomorrow. This is going. To be very hard but I am so in love with him and not because of getting high together, we have had times sober but not long and we have a lot of normal things in common which will help

Yeah your going thru it I can tell just remember it does get oh so much better and we are all worth it ok!!? If you ever want to talk let me know ok!