Today is 401 days sober!

Today is 401 days sober! There has to be a God because that's a miracle for a alcoholic junkie like me. So grateful for those who never gave up on me, because most did


Welcome Amanda!! It can be done but I can't do it alone. I need other people in recovery for support and that's why this community rocks. You're rocking in 16 days is huge! One day at a time one foot in front of the other


Good work.

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God is good


Yes sir!!

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Thank you I can't do it alone. Having support like this is what makes it possible

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Yahoo !!

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This is fantastic all around! You have 402 days sober, an amazing support system, know God has you, and are expressing gratitude.

Thanks for sharing this with us. Your story has brighten my day.

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Thank you for being apart of my sobriety!!

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So awesome

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Congratulations you did it keep going your doing great

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Thank you Carmen I can't do it alone! It takes a community to stay sober



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Thanks Ty​:pray::call_me_hand:t3: