Today I’m struggling with a decision

I’m currently going through a divorce. It’s all about money at this point. Assets and liabilities. My ex made a counteroffer and I feel it’s a slap in my face. I’m grateful recovering addict today, I’m working my program to the best of my ability. I’m trying so hard not to be vindictive, or controlling. I really just want what’s rightfully owed to me. It’s a tough situation as in I’m trying to incorporate my new principles and healthy habits. Then I start going down that rabbit hole of being in my head all damn day! Stewing over every possible outcome.
It’s down right exhausting. I’m trying to stay humble. I also want this to just go away. Anyone gone through the same ordeal?


I feel for you. Divorce is difficult no matter the circumstances. Mine was 14 years ago and we had no assets but we did have 2 beautiful children in the mix. I just wanted out so I kinda sold my soul to the devil
I will keep you in my prayers. I was bitter for a long time but our children are 26 and 29 and haven't spoke to their father in years.

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The only advise I can really give is that divorce is just business. As personal as it can feel it is ultimately just a legal agreement. You can refuse the counter offer and they (wife and her attorney) are hoping to play on your guilt so they get the best deal. Divorce negotiation is just that. A judge won't make you do more than legally required. It is the lawyers that make the deals.


I know what you’re going through, my divorce took almost two years and then ended up going back to court a few years later.. it will get better, hang in there

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Thank you :pray: for sharing. We have assets and one child. I had a phone conversation with my attorney a few minutes ago. Was pretty good and I’ll be waiting to see what she drafts up based on said conversation. I believe my counteroffer is reasonable. This just makes me sick. But I’m in the hands of God now. It will all come to pass here soon.

Thank you Bill! Well said! This is my third attorney. So far this one’s listening to me and my concerns.

Thank you :pray:
I’m pushing two years since separation comes this September. Spent about 18k on attorneys. Its just money, right? :joy: well I treat money like my friends! I respect money, I want more friends and to be at peace. If I see a friend in the ground I pick them up. Heads or tails.

I has pushing $12, looking back it was pointless but I’m way better now..

Being sober and responsible for yourself and your life doesn’t mean you’re a wet rag that needs to get beat up for your past. Do what’s right.

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Yep yep, the amount of time I needed to get clarity cost me 15k in two attorneys. I was not in any state of mind to be talking to attorneys or making decision about assets..
I’m just ready to get this over with.

Thank you Craig! I’m very responsible for my action. Today I was bold. And address the situation with integrity. It’s in the hands of God so to speak.
I trust my higher power. I’m going to live and let go. It’s time to move on.

It's so very stressful. I'm a chronic overthinker so I get how you're weighing all of your possible outcomes. will fall into place soon.

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Yep yep that’s what I do as well. I’m trying to let my higher power take the wheel.

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