Today I’m a 105 days sober… it’s been easy

Today I’m a 105 days sober… it’s been easy so far not to drink I just wish my husband would stop these backhanded statements to me.. he doesn’t believe that depression and anxiety are real.. I tell him his comments make my anxiety worse.


Congratulations on 105. I am sorry you are experiencing the issues you have. It is hard for those who do not have depression or anxiety to understand the nature of it. Have you spoken to your doctor about it? Often they could help with these issues.

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Have you considered inviting him to an AA meeting with you or to maybe Al-Anon so he can understand that one doesn’t cancel the other out either you got to ease up and let up or it’s gonna drive me right back into was tired of me drinking in the first place just a suggestion

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Congrats on Day 105.

I'm sorry about the statements your husband is making. If they're related to your sobriety ask him to attend Alnon meetings. They're AA meetings for family members.

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Congratulations on your 105 days. Very nice hard work. I know how hard it was to get that far. On my own. I couldn’t imagine having a partner to throw digs at you as well. The one thing you need to remember stay focused on your sobriety. Everybody saying it have him go to AA meeting with you or Al-Anon meeting for family members. I know what you’re saying about the depression and anxiety I have the same thing. And that’s why I was drinking like I was. I’m on medication for my it helps.And it’s been many many many years but I’ve been on his medication for depression and anxiety.

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Congratulations on your 105 days! What a huge accomplishment, you should be proud. I can relate to your experience. When I quit one other time it seemed like he actually wanted me to fail. Even this time day 2 he said "You know none of our friends are going to want to hang out with us anymore if you're not drinking ". Sends me very mixed messages. Not gonna let it bring me down. I'm doing this for me and only me. I deserve it and so do You. Keep up the great work

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You are getting sober for you. Getting sober for/because of someone else rarely works.

If your husband believes that alcoholism is a lack of will he is wrong. And not believing in something does not remove it from existence. If it did I would cease believing in poverty…

Be selfish.

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