Today I am 51 days sober from alcohol

New to this app! Today I am 51 days sober from alcohol and 2.5 years sober from drugs. If you ever need support or just to talk, please don’t hesitate to hit me up!


Welcome Kev

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Great job. That’s way we are all here , stay strong :+1:

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Doing great keep it up.

Hey Kev, so I am 2 days no meth, the reality is that I am still in the resting part of my cycle use. I am choosing to drop one thing at a time, I’m a construction worker and my 2 beers after work is my unwinding time. I see that you are 2.5 years drug free and have chosen to stop drinking. Since you are much more ahead than my two days, I would like any input you may have to help me be successful. Thanks.

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Welcome and thanks

Congrats Kevin!

Good job Kev! Alcohol is a tough one! I know that feeling!