Today I am 49 days sober, and for the first

Today I am 49 days sober, and for the first time in a very long time, I woke up feeling blessed, and actually happy. Even though I woke up with minor stomach and back pain… I can honestly say that this minor pain is so much better than waking up sick and unable to move until I get that fix. I have no secrets. I have no reason or desire to lie. I am blessed to be able to wake up at all! Thank you God! Thank you!


Awesome on the 49. Sorry you have pain, hopefully it will get better soon. Glad you are headed the right direction.

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Thank you Steven! It can only get better! As long as I keep moving forward and leave the past behind me!

If only people understood the power of leaving the past behind. It is called the past for a already passed it.

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Perfectly said! I know I have a lot of healing to do, and even more within my relationships, with my kids, family and all… but I am not who I was yesterday. Every day I grow into some new, with a better understanding of what is needed for me to grow within myself, within my recovery and with my higher power. Holding onto the past… of what I did and what was done just keeps me sick! And sicker!

You are blessed, sobriety is a gift like any thing Good in life , its not appreciated until its gone, so its good your seeing that, I have to be thankful and remember my last days drunk.

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Congrats on 49 days. It's an amazing feeling. I didn't think I would make it past day 2. I'm so glad I did.

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Congrats to

Congratulations!!! If you ever need someone to talk to, feel free to message me :heart:

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Thank you!