Today I am 13 days 100% sober. Alcohol being my

Today I am 13 days 100% sober. Alcohol being my drug of choice. I’m also 10 days no cigarettes. Just patches which are working phenomenal for me. Along with that I have joined a gym to kill my free time and give some discipline. Lots say I’m going to hardcore, but I need to replace one hardcore with another to match my personality patterns and I can’t say I’m going to lose anything going this route. When you give up something you are so passionate about. It’s not a bad idea to find something else to be passionate about. I spent the last 25yrs drinking, smoking and abusing my body. I’m going to spend the second half of my life doing the opposite. This may not be for everyone but it’s certainly a better direction than quitting your poisonous habits and standing still twiddling your thumbs. I hope you all have a great day.


Lucky 13! You do you, just be careful not to set yourself up for failure. Be well!

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Keep it up :+1: it’s only the beginning!!! You’ll love yourself more when you see the results

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Keep on working. I am reminded of a picture of an old man who was running a marathon. His shirt said "I may be old, but I'm in front of you." They may think you are crazy but nobody ever got anywhere sitting still.

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Right with u!

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You do you. We all got our ways of coping. Yours sounds pretty awesome

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Keep up with your minds intentions

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Awesome job!!

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:weight_lifting_man:t4: get it brotha!

Awesome!!!! Same here, but used Chantix and am 10 days sober. Gym time is my do it to the extreme time. Use to be alcohol to the extreme. Poison over healthy heart and toned body… GYM wins hands down.

That’s awesome!! Big congrats on your new journey!