Today has been a tough one for motivation

Today has been a tough one for motivation. I can't seem to get up. But my mind is feeling better again. Why TF is my body not caught up yet?

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If you're having good/improved thoughts and your body hasn't caught up, it sounds like you need the rest. That's totally normal. If you want to be sure nothing is wrong, please contact your doctor to schedule an appointment to run some tests.

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Just make sure you give your body the rest it needs.

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Awesome suggestion I'm currently looking for a new general practitioner I hear one is going to open up in my town soon

You could be experiencing Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome or PAWS as they like to call it. Cute acronym but that's all that is cute about it. Basically as your brain is healing you may start re-experiencing parts of withdrawal you thought were behind you. It sucks but if you know it's a thing then it's manageable. Lack of motivation is one potential that is listed. I had that for about two weeks when I hit 60 days. At least it diminishes over time.

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Mind and body heal at different speeds. My body definitely takes twice to three times as long to physically recovery from an event. Hope you get to feeling better soon, get that rest!! :muscle:t2:

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Thank you for that info I'm definitely going to look into it

Thank you I think I'm going to take that advice and get some rest. Who knows maybe I'll wake up tomorrow with the motivation of a stallion or an ox LOL