Today has been a great day!

Today has been a great day!! Just want to say how thankful I am for my brother. He’s been sober for ten years and has been my main support and guidance. He supported me today in my first ever AA meeting. It was a great experience. I am grateful for him and for my determination on this endless path to self improvement. Love the support I have in my life :pray:t3: not looking back. Only forward :heart_eyes:


I'm happy for you, Charm. You took the first step, attending meetings, and have someone in your corner who has been there, done that. You are optimistic. Only the top from here.

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It only gets better and easier! Had no idea your brother was sober and for that long! Thats awesome! I just passed 2 years and the feeling is amazing! Congrats! Keep going it gets better!

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Happy for you.

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2 years is a long time. Congratulations :tada:

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That is fantastic charm.

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