Today as I wake up im happy God blessed us

Today as I wake up im happy God blessed us with a new day, but as I lay here im thinking about where I'm at in life, I'm still not where I want to be, I keep having set backs, because of my drinking i lost my car, my drivers license, my job, now my husband went to jail because of the same reason now I don't even have him by my side, im not happy at all, I tried to to to an interview yesterday but I didn't get the job :pensive: I lay here feeling helpless and clueless of what to do, im trying to help myself fix all this but I know I need help, I want rehab but idk what rehab to go to? Or counseling, where I can start these things? I know getting sober on my own is just not helping, its hard to tell my friends no when they invite me out, if I go to rehab I know there won't be any one there bothering me to drink. I'm so lost!!!!!

Hang in there.
Like my granny use to say " close that door and don't look back"

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Sounds like you are at your bottom so no place to go but up .. I would suggest a google search for a rehab close to you or some out patient counseling.. also you can check out WFS on line there are meetings and a great bunch of ladies to help guide you through.. chat any time

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Feeling the way you do is ok, for now. But even feeling that way has to be a momentary state. You have the strength to pick yourself up and keep moving.

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