To everyone out there who is either sober, or wants

To everyone out there who is either sober, or wants to get sober, no matter how long or how little time you have, or if you don’t have any time at all, please know that you are strong. The fact that you even have the desire is so huge and I’m here to help in any way that I can no matter who you are.

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24 hr sober feeling like crap and got let go of my job due to my problem, I caused it, now I am off to AA meeting, feeling very guilty

The fact that you put 24 hours together is huge. I don’t know you, but I’m so proud of you. I know you feel shitty, but that’s normal. Don’t dwell on the past bc that causes depression. Don’t stress about the future bc that causes more anxiety. Just be in the moment and enjoy the meeting. Try not to focus on the differences between you and whoever is sharing in the meeting. There will be differences, but those don’t mean anything. Focus on the similarities bc there will be similarities as well