Tired of getting high!¡¡😢

Tired of getting high!¡¡:cry:



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for me it'll never be the same again, it's worse and worse everytime i pick up.. last time almost killed me ... stay strong


Why are you guys tired of it? Just curious.

It's finally physically affecting me little by little and it completely drains me mentally every time.... Days full of what ifs and fear takes over once again... I never feared anything my whole life... Til 10 years into my use...

I feel for you in your suffering. Things will get better for you, if you're willing to take certain steps. . If you believe you are powerless over these substances, and that your life has become unmanageable. You are already one step in the right direction.

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It stops being fun after a while. Becomes a chore instead of a hobby.

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Altered reality is only fun when you can shut it off. When getting high is something you can't stop your altered reality doesn't shut off. Reach out to a support group guys. It is not different than any other addiction. We can beat it.