Three Dog Night had a song that describes my life

Three Dog Night had a song that describes my life very well.
"One is the loneliest number"

You have us Greg. I know we're virtual. But we're family. You are not alone.

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Getting tired of hearing my voice being the only one to answer my questions, like I knew the answer. I wouldn't have asked if I knew the answer.

It is truly sad when in a metropolis the size of Minneapolis/ St. Paul that a man has nobody to even talk to. I don't do the bar scene, watching people intentionally get stupid does not interest me. This song just resonates through me, especially around my birthday.

Well Greg, I have 3 dogs and if you are loney I will give you two of them. :laughing:. All kidding aside, I hope you find someone to keep you company. :pray:

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Not giving up, but not holding much hope of spending my 61st birthday with anyone but myself. It is what it is, if God wanted someone in my life there would be. Must be some solo task I have not yet completed, wish I knew what.

Yeah, that is a good attitudes, adding the wrong person to the mix can really become a headache.

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