Thought of the day

I struggled for a while to figure out what my higher power was. I'm not a religious person at all. But I knew there had to be something, some force, some being in this universe greater than myself. So I trusted the process and finally understood. Thought that it was impeccable timing to receive this out of a fortune cookie today, and I thought I'd share it for anyone else who may be struggling to find their higher power. Trust the process, do the work, and it will all pay off in the end.

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I have always struggled with that mainly because I was raised around a few different religions & couldn't really fully commit myself to. Right b4 all the shutdowns I found a place on the meetup app. I started going & bought the books & others. During the shutdowns I read alot & they had online services. I can honestly say it is what held me together & I found myself (still in the process)