This week had been my toughest so far

This week has been my toughest so far, had the urge to drink at least three times....didn’t cave.


Great job, nothing easy in life is worth doing. Keep up the fight! Go to some AA meetings, they are a good way to stay in the circle of recovery. 🧘‍♂️🤘


Great job. One day at a time

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That's really awesome. You will get through this

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Good for you. Stay strong you have the will and the experience

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With you, Leah!

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Happy for you :heart::partying_face:

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I'm sorry your week has been rough.

I'm proud of you for staying the course.

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Every day is a victory :tada:keep pushing sister!!

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Much respect to you for fighting back the temptation and not giving in

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Glad you made it. All the comments are urging you to go to a meeting as soon as possible and keep going to them. I think that's good advice. If all it took was will power to keep us sober than all of us would have gotten sober a long time ago. But I'm afraid it's a dead end road.

I chose the path of Alcoholics Anonymous myself. It took me many years to follow the instructions but once I started to follow the instructions the results were well worth it. The other thing is life doesn't simply get easier just because we get sober. We simply get better at handling the challenges of life. It's going to take some time to learn how to do this.

Please don't try to do this on your own. And using this app is not enough. You have to get to meetings, get a sponsor and be willing to take the 12 steps. As it says in the Doctor's Opinion, it's going to require an entire psychic change. Without this psychic change there is very little hope of his or her recovery.


You rock Leah.

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Great job

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Thank you for such a caring reply. I’m listening.

Way to go :+1:

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Very proud of you. Each time you don’t have your building stinger foundation :+1:


Yeah this stuff is recovering addicts go thru is tough!!! But we are all wort it!!!!

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What’s new Leah?

I’m in LA. Just working and staying sober, it’s easy this time!

How are you?