This time tomorrow I’ll be in rehab

My nerves are really starting to kick in feeling like I’m half way in half way out I know it will be for the best but that doesn’t stop me from wanting to say fuck it. I keep procrastinating packing and calling the rehab, don’t even know how much or what I can pack have to make my rounds to say bye to everyone today feels like everything is moving a mile a minute, some support would be much appreciated

Hi Dillon. My name is Jason. I recently completed a treatment program and just thought I would chime in to say It changed my everything. Be strong at heart keep your ears open and except the gift you are about to give yourself.

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Was it your first time ??

Yes for in patient
I half assed outpatient treatments in the passed( court ordered).

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Yeah I’m the same way I had to do a few and never took them serious but I realize I’m the only person that will help me to change that’s why I voluntarily checked myself in

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I just have no idea what to expect going in

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That's AWESOME I hope the best for u.

Thank you and wish me luck hearing stories like yours really helps

The place I went was great but I DIDNT know what to expect either.Where I went was 4 hrs away so the driver gave me a Lil insight.

Welcome and congrats Dillon! My advice is to have zero expectations. Go in with an open mind.
I too did a 30 day in patient treatment. Was the best thing I could have ever done on my own free will. I met good people both clinicians and recovery friends. Take this time you’re given to learn as much as possible In treatment. Do everything that is asked. Become the best version of you! I wish you a wonderful experience. Come back to share your experience as it could help others…
P.S. find your higher power of your understanding while in treatment. I was able to find mine. From a non believer to seeing and feeling the true power of my God was amazing.

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You're welcome and good luck I hope to see Post in the future of your experience

The best thing is to have no expectation...and take it all in as it comes your disease is kicking and screaming while your heart and soul know what's right listen to whispers of your soul take it one min at a time you can win!

Thank you all so much

Hello Dillon! I also went to a 30 Day Treatment Center. It’s like everybody said go with no expectations. Because it’s different for everybody. But I am grateful that I went. It was the best thing I could’ve ever done for myself especially for my body and soul. And this was my first time that I was in a 30 Day Treatment Center. And it was my last time. I took hold of everything that I heard and learned about this disease. It’s a horrible demon. But there is away from it and that’s called AA. And all the members that belong to it. Life gets better as time goes. Just remember that. And I am still sober today after 37 years of not drinking because of the membership that I belong to. So it works if you work it’s a work out because you’re worth it. Remember that

Best of luck on your journey. I find it very brave

you are definitely not alone :purple_heart: