This site is everything! I was feeling so alone

This site is everything! I was feeling so alone & so overwhelmed...climbing this Mountain alone. I truly appreciate this site & seeing the success as well as the Newbies like me is inspiring! I'm just in tears of hopeful joy.


This is a great site for support. Don't be afraid to post and also to friend people. It's good support.


Thank You Chris!!

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Hi, Heidi. I'm glad you're here. I love that Loosid has a piece of your life; and you're loving it.


Welcome Heidi! That’s the first thing I learned in AA “we don’t have to do this alone”. Unlike our predecessors in the beginning of AA, we live in a time where there is almost a meeting on every corner, online information is abundant and treatment facility are on the rise. I’m very grateful to be alive, sober and working my program today. For me I’m very focused on changing the way I think. From what I eat, to who I talk to, believing in a power greater than myself sobriety has transformed my life into a life of peace. With each day I’m on this site, or AA or NA I’m giving back what was given to me.
If you ever feel down or just going through some rough patch reach out. We are here to help.


Thank you so much! I'm so hopeful now!

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This site is saving me right now. My family & friends have no idea that I'm going through this. This site is my refuge.

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My heart breaks for you. I'm so glad you have something to help.

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Welcome. Hope you stick around for it does get better. Sometimes the results take time but life does improve if we work at it.

Glad you found us. More glad we can help.

You’re welcome. Keep up the good work.