This one stung a little . Hit me right in

This one stung a little . Hit me right in the feelings :disappointed:


My cousin posed the same question. She was referring to our health, i.e., are we willing to eat a balanced diet and exercise so that we'd be here longer for our kids.

Hehehaha... Too funny. I use to hate my therapist, don't much like her now. However in large part her and AA saved my life. I will be eternally grateful to her for those stinger moments. They still happen just not as frequent now a days. Thanks for the laugh, good stuff!:grin:

It did hit me hard

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That's hard for me to read as well. I was diagnosed with liver disease last year at age 32 and two months later my dad died from it at age 61. "Early grave" isn't a joke and I still forget he isn't here and how much I wish we were fighting this together or never needing to at all.