This morning I went to another meditation focused Buddhist group

This morning I went to another meditation focused Buddhist group called refuge recovery. Open till now I haven’t found myself motivated to go to a morning group, but I’m so very glad I went to this one and will be returning next week. Monday has turned into quite a big day for recovery. Meetings in the morning and evening and in between I have my weekly step work meeting with my sponsor.


I love the idea of recovery Monday ... Curious, was this group in person? It sounds awesome ... I should see if there is something similar in my area ...

It was in person. You can find the groups on and

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Refuge has some good dharma talks online. I've been conflicted about refuge as there have been some sexual misconduct allegations against Noah Levine, the founder. I love the program tho, i found out about it and recovery dharma in rehab and they changed my life.

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The way I look at it, is the program and practices are larger than the person who organized it all. He is only a tree in that particular forest. Though he may not be perfect, it’s undeniable what he has achieved in the development of sober subculture. I have plenty of demons in my past and skeletons in my closet.

No doubt. That is kinda how i approach it. I mean the Buddha told us that there is no such thing as enlightened harm, it all comes from suffering, unskillfulness, etc.

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