This may be strange

This may be strange but, is there anyone else out there that feels as though they do not deserve to be happy and successful? I don't know why this is sometimes


I have felt that why before but we all deserve happiness. One of my favorite daily affirmations is, "I deserve to be healthy and feel good "


Yes I feel the same way but u do deserve to b happy and successful we just aren’t used to it so it seems foreign download the app I am its awesome it sends u daily affirmations will help u feel better


Every day man. No matter how hard work, or what I accomplished I am never satisfied. Its miserable, but thats when you lean on others together being your to reality


I used to. .. just the way I was raised. No guidance on how to have self esteem actually quite the opposite.


I used to feel that way. It is called shame. Shame a guilt are two different things. Guilt is knowing you did exactly what you did. Shame says you are what you did. I know we are in recovery. That is our norm. But shame says you will never be anything other than a drunk, or whatever else you did while you were using. I tell people that the things I once did are no more my identity. I am not that guy anymore. The hardest thing to learn to do is forgive future us for the mistakes past us made. They are not the same guy.


I used to. When I learned to love myself I decided to go after things I thought I wasn't worthy of before. Accepting that I deserve to be happy and successful was hard. But I am glad I chose that for me.

Why don't you feel you deserve happiness and success?

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Yep I've been self sabotaging my life for a long time because I felt I didn't deserve a good life . Trying to break those thoughts . It takes alot of self love and action :100:

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Wow, yes. It’s not strange at all. But it does suck to feel that way lol I actually think part of the reason it took me so long to get sober is because I felt deep down that I wasn’t worthy or deserving of sobriety. Like my pain or suffering wasn’t bad enough to deserve true healing ... it’s a really tough mindset to break. Therapy has helped me and building a spiritual foundation. together, I’ve learned tools to challenge the negative thoughts and beliefs I have about myself. As well as being able to recognize when my behaviors and actions are a result of those same beliefs

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