This is so hard! I am trying my best to

This is so hard!!!! I am trying my best to be “OK” I front of my family and friends. I am so tired of them looking at me like “are you going to drink if I raise my eyebrow or twitch?” I just want them to know that it makes me uncomfortable. What can I do? Any help

I went thru the same thing with my dad when he was alive it seemed everyone was always waiting for the other shoe to is because of our past track record do your personal housekeeping like how am I conducting myself today??then remind them of how you used to conduct yourself and see if they can decider the difference. You see??

Very good advice! Good luck Jessica

You are not alone ... I am Day #1 Sober and my husband used to call me out .... smell my breath ... apparently I would make some kind of smirk when I drank .. I think that’s the worst part and is when people start noticing even when you think they don’t

They just have to just the actions to the words ... maybe taking a break from family for a little ??