This is my wife. She's gone too soon from Fentanyl

This is Jeanne, my wife. She's gone too soon from Fentanyl. 7/22/2020. I miss her with all my heart and soul. I cried hysterically a few minutes ago like it just happened. Then I prayed. God can and will carry you when you stumble love you when you.feel alone. Call out to yours..please


Thank you for sharing your story. I just got out of rehab and wow how many people do that stuff. So sorry for your loss. I know she is watching over you protecting you now :pray:

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Thank you Julia. Congrations on graduating rehab!! Good for you. Keep you head up luv!! Stay on the path ok

My heart is breaking reading this post. My goodness, way to go on praying and staying strong. Fentanyl is one of the strongest drugs out there, just what you can put on the head of a pin can take a life. And a lot of people are hooked on opiates these days. Sharing your experience can maybe save someone else's life at some point.

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I'm sorry for your loss. :cry::sob:

I can tell you have a lot of love to share. While you're experiencing your biggest heartache you are helping others.

God bless, Brian.


She’ll always be with you , brother. Hang in there. Remember those good times and stay strong, cry when you need to and she’ll be waiting for you on the other side. The pain you feel is the love she gave you. That means you have good memories. I’m so sorry for your loss. We are here for you when you need us.

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May her soul Rest In Peace

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I am sorry you have this burden to bear. It is ok to mourn. You will mourn some times at the most random times. Eventually you will learn to live with the pain. It does get easier to handle.

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Thank you for sharing and wishing you peace and comfort. I am so sorry for your loss.

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Thanks man. I'm on my own journey and I have to remind myself she was on hers. I hate opiates! Like I hate a person! Too many lives are being snatched away. You take care buddy and stay positive and strong.

Thank you Amanda that means a lot.

Thank you buddy. I miss her and I know there are folks that are missing loved ones and feel what I'm feeling and worse. I've gotta do something about this Fentanyl crap though. IDK but something

I'm sorry about ur lost man..Fentanyl almost took me out a little over 2years ago I was in the icu for 2 weeks and it almost destroyed me as well as my family..but at times I forget how bad it was...thanks for sharing ur story

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No, thank YOU Nuno. I appreciate you sharing that with me. It's a huge struggle for a lotta people, including myself. I ODd a few times and should have died and was in the ICU for a week myself. This mess has got to stop.