This is my first post on Loosid. Today marks 7

This is my first post on Loosid. Today marks 700 days sober and I am still in awe that I did it. Through years of binge drinking, blacking out, and DUIs, I am so proud today to have made it to 700 days. Those first few months were the worst, having to wear a SCRAM alcohol monitor made the situation so REAL. I wore that for a year after spending 30 days at an inpatient treatment center. I just want to let anyone struggling know that is is possible. You can do this. There may be days where u want to give up, just play that tape forward and see where u would be after a few drinks. Through these past 700 days I have used all types of resources to maintain sobriety. Inpatient treatment, therapy, AA, Recovery Dharma, Recovery Elevator, if one thing doesnt click or work for you I encourage you to keep going. Theres a saying at the end of some of the AA mtgs I used to attend that I love.......It works if you work it so work it because you are worth it!!!! Have a beautiful weekend everyone!!!!!


Congrats Erik! This is no small feat. Keep up the great attitude.

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