This is my first day trying to be sober from

This is my first day trying to be sober from cocaine. My mind really really really wants to relapse RIGHT NOW! I took my last bag a few hours ago and I thought I’d be ready to quit, but the cravings are what’s really messing me up. HELP! It also doesn’t help that my dealer lives in the same apartment complex as me.

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The cravings are gonna get tough. Have you reached out to a doctor or to an NA group?

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No I haven’t. My main reason is I don’t want to be judged by a doctor, and I’m scared to commit to NA

Well, here is the thing. A doctor is there to help you. If you fear judgment over desire help then you will isolate and continue struggling. They are bound by law to help you and not report to the police. Not wanting to commit to NA is understandable, but it isnt like they collect dues or require a membership to go. You have to take the steps to get into a program if you want to succeed.


Please don’t let your addiction speak for you. Deep down you know the difference.


You should seek treatment. Any way you can move out of that apartment? If not now, maybe after treatment.

The problem with giving in is that it always leads to the same place. The starting line. And the wheel goes round and round. You should seek treatment and start getting some sober friends in your life that have been sober for a long time. Once you have some sober friends in your life it will be a lot easier to solve problems like living in that apartment where there's a drug dealer.


And Emma, the reality is that there’s a drug dealer in every apartment. Or every neighborhood if you lived in a house. The ability to score your drug of choice will never go away. But if you put in the work you will overcome your need for it.


Get to a meeting asap

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You only have to commit to one meeting

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I feel you. I'm recovering from cocaine too. It gets better, just stay clean one day at a time. The days add up and you'll feel better. Early recovery is tough, but possible to get through. Meetings are helpful. You can do them on zoom, if you want. Check out

Your gonna broke I hope you staying away from it the coke really to me you off to a good start witches

Your doing good to get a day, one of the hardest things I ever did, coke will mess with your mind in some crazy ways, so just get around any sober croud ,AA ,NA and hold on to your ass , claim your seat, its worth it

Stay with it, Emma!