This is my 3rd day sober. It feels great b

This is my 3rd day sober. It feels great but honestly, also kind of nerve wrecking the thought of drinking again. I dont want to drink and the run in with the Cops without going to jail sure was a wake up call. The thought of drinking now makes me sick, disgusted and ashamed. I hope those feelings stick.


I had a drunken night last night that have me feeling sick, disgusting, and ashamed. I dnt remember anything. I never thought of myself as an alcoholic, but I am. Never drinking again. Smh

Don't worry it gets easier

Its easy to say you'll never do it again but, its much harder to put that into motion. Take it one day at a time! Dont focus on the past or the future. Focus on YOU, at this moment and work from there! You got this!!

I know if this feeling of shame and absolute disgust with alcohol sticks I can do it. I know I will! Its just continuing to do good instead of doing good for awhile then justifying drinking again. That scares me.