This is day one, once again. I drink the

This is day one, once again. I drink to mask the pain of whatever I’m going through on that day. Today my youngest daughter graduated from preschool, I was not able to attend. I no longer live with them, it has almost been three years this summer. Drinking has been a struggle since as long as can remember starting around the age of 10. I lost my family, many friendships and a place to live. I am now unemployed lost my career due to heavy depression, drinking and now I’m not receiving any financial assistance. I wake up everyday knowing that today is another chance in life to make a positive decision. I’m writing this because I am wanting to grab a brew and a few shots from the store. The pain I feel knowing that my two youngest daughters will not have a chance in life to experience living with both biological parents. Something I had always wanted when I was younger. Thank you for reading...

The Struggle Real