This is Day 1 for me and my first day

This is Day 1 for me and my first day here. Hoping some like-minded people will be the encouragement and support I need to make it past Wine 0’clock! today


You got this! One day at a time


Keep up the good work, trust in your higher power, keep doing the next right thing and above all else. ... trust the process


You can do it. Im in the same boat. Its tough, hope it will get a little easier. Im tired of feeling like crap


I have a suggest, Texas. I am assuming wine o'clock suggest your internal clock triggers the thought to drink and it is pretty consistent? Maybe consider plugging some recovery oriented things into that time slot. Anything come on this site, do a meeting, set therapy appointments, volunteer, whatever suits you. Reconditioning your mind. Soon enough wine o'clock will turn into something else.


One day at a time.

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That is the first step. You got this!

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To avoid the post work drink temptations in early sobriety , I went to an AA meeting every night . It worked . In my experience , you have to disrupt your typical routines if you want sobriety to stick
. Good luck :muscle:


That’s great! Every day sober is a blessing

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Take it an hour at a time if need be. And at that Wine o'clock hour, call someone or get on here. I'll do my best to check in.

You WILL make it! We love you and are here for you.

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Stephen is correct. Go to 90 meetings in 90 days. Get a sponsor who has worked all twelve steps and is living in steps 10 11 and 12 and I guarantee you the promises after step 9 when you're making those amends will come true it's amazing it's absolutely amazing it isn't easy it gets better and you deserve it you absolutely deserve it!

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How do you feel? How was Day 1 and Day 2?

You got this! I wàs just reminded of a teacher that used to stop at the bar I worked at. She would sit at the bar with a glass of wine and grade her students papers. Don't do that.

At wine o'clock you'll out a bobby

Welcome... my day 1 was yesterday.. I’m focusing on my feelings and goals and not the bit being able to drink emotions...

Hi! Good for you. Take it easy.

Staying on the app to chat with sober people

Huh lol

How are you doing??

Same here it’s rough hang in there