This is a site for recovery why the fuck is

This is a site for recovery why the fuck is there so many females scamming trying to sell themselves on here like wtf.... targeting ppl that are trying to get sober you deserve to get pimp smacked


Click on the pic. Then click the 3 dots in the top corner. Choose “report user”. And poof, they’re gone until tomorrow when they create a new profile I suppose.


There's men who are also trying to scam wemon too... it's unfortunate but you just have to weed them out and seek out people who are truly working a program

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It's extremely sad

It pisses me off. Like some people are kinda " vulnerable" in recovery. A lot of us feel lonely. To scam or advertise things like that on here is just not okay. I respect camgirling/onlyfans, etc, get your bag you know? But not things like this. And not on a support group app like this. Tumblr has a hard time with sexbots and instagram is starting to be the same way too. But on here? Thats just low.