This in response to an earlier post that I responded

This in response to an earlier post that I responded to but thought of a better way to say how I feel. The post was in reference to people looking for alternatives to AA and some responses were pretty harsh in claiming rejecting AA was akin to rejecting sobriety. It sounded like “you just don’t wanna do it”. Wich is true to a certain extent. But I think one of the main premises of AA is bringing together people to solve a common problem. I think that is actually verbatim in the big book texts. But if your not finding enough commonality with the groups you have access to, then the whole “ togetherness” aspect gets thrown out the window, and if your not involved with a program that is working for you, and your just doing it because “ your supposed to”. It’s not gonna have the same effect. My expierience with AA was vastly different in the two towns I’ve lived in since getting sober. One, was a very large town, where there were ALl kinds of meetings.... I’m not really sure how necessary some of them were because they were SO specific, but it gives you a chance to navigate where “ your crew” might be. I’m JEALouS of people that absolutely Lao E their home group and most of the people in it out their good friends. I want that for myself and my sobriety, and I think that everyone should be afforded the grace to seek the same.

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