This day 1 for me again!

This day 1 for me again! I did it before for 2 years and I know I can do it again. It’s been hard for me lately to stay sober but I have to do this for ME! :metal:t3:


It's a journey. Be easy on yourself. You got it.

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Thanks I’m trying but I’m disappointed in myself

That's ok, it's natural, we do that, especially people like us, so hard on ourselves, it's part of human nature I swear... It's a using drinking world, we are a minority so it's a battle.. I would definitely encourage you to find some meetings in your area online and start building a sober support network if you haven't already..

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I need to do that!

You got this you can do it

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Don’t let your disappointment allow you to drink again soon! Shit happens! Stay positive!

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Disappointment is normal and it happens. Don't allow that to keep you down. Motivate yourself, OK! You can do this. Better later than you wanted than never.

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