Things that help me stay sober. 369 days today

Getting active- when I want to drink I take a walk.

Planning epic trips - backpacking, camping, paddling, hiking.

Hanging with my pup, he deserves this version of me.

Tending to my houseplants and growing my patio garden

Chores around the house

talking to my amazingly supportive friends

engaging in sober communities (like here!),

browsing my IG (which is full of sober groups/people/inspiration)

listening to sober media (audiobooks, podcasts)

reminding myself of how bad I felt when I drank my moments away



Talking kindly to myself… they way you would someone you love

Writing my feelings, allowing them space and then learning to let them rest


This is great!!!! Thanks!

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Thank you for great tips.

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I love this! Thank you for the inspiration💥

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