Things are starting to look up which makes my mind

Things are starting to look up which makes my mind think alcohol is okay again, that one drink won’t hurt anything or one drink here and there but I know deep down I flirt with death every time because of how reckless my behavior is drunk… trying to convince myself I’m good without it. That no drink is needed


Keep fighting the good fight your always one drink away from what your running away from. Have faith in the process

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Hey Taylor. You got this. An alcoholic mind alone is a bad place to be. I’ve thought the same thing that I’m cured. That I don’t need meetings. What happens to me is my attitude gets bad when I don’t consistently go to meetings. Do you have some ladies as a support group? My relapses weren’t with alcohol they where with weed. One thing is for sure is that knowing we are alcoholic or addicts or both in something we have to work on on a daily basis. Sometimes a second at a time. Just remember your not alone there is people that will listen to you give you advice. In the program your not told you have to do anything they only make suggestions. I know for me I’m defiant and will do the opposite when told what to do. Good luck. If anything let your feeling out on here!

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Thank you

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Love your transparency!!! Keep on pressing forward! I believe in you!!


Thank you so much I appreciate it, I do this every time and regret it every time

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Thank you for the advice

Hi Taylor. You are more than good without it. You are at your best without it. Take it 1 day at a time.

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I’m definitely doing my best haven’t drank since Sunday but I’m more than craving a glass of wine or margarita or seltzer, I never considered myself a true alcoholic because I never had to have a drink every day but I’ve realized it causes havoc on my life, and I drink more than half the days of the week, I crave it, I think I need it to be productive or have fun, etc and I’ve almost killed my self driving many times, 2 very close calls. I know different drinks and how to make them like a second nature to me, one drink let alone one bottle is never enough if I’m going to drink I need at least 3 or 4. I ruin relationships when I drink, I miss work, etc. So I guess that makes me an alcoholic

In my opinion Deciding your an alcoholic is your most difficult step in the process. Some may differ on this, but for me once I decided I wasn't the casual drinker and certainly have an addictive personality it was a defining moment of clarity that propelled me to seek what others have done to relieve my allergy. The mind is a strange place for an alcoholic, it's like a wonderland of lies, don't follow the rabbit down the hole, stay in the moment redirect your energy to a phone call ,or a meeting, maybe a run for endorphins to settle your mind. You have to ask yourself have you had enough yet? Remember every day you stay sober is another day you ar winning.

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Our disease is progressive. I too thought after three years of sobriety I could drink like a gentleman. Well it took me down an 8 year run of self destruction! And this time I had zero control of myself. I was also introduced to meth. I lost my house, divorce, and quite my job of 15 years.
The big book has the why and what we need to be doing daily to stay healthy and sober! One day at a time.
I’ve excepted the fact that I’m allergic to alcohol, period! I’ve turned to my higher power of my understanding, God for guidance daily. Once I gave into his willpower my experience was so compelling that I have the strength to say no daily. The spiritual awakening that has taken place in the last 581 days has been filled with so many signs that I’m not alone.
Please let this invisible force take the wheel of your life. Trust me when I say this as it’s totally worth the outcome. We alcoholics are the chosen ones. I believe this cause I tried suicide many times and failed.
Have a blessed day filled love and peace within. God is love

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That is relapse thinking. Honestly, will u b satisfied with just 1 or will it start the snow ball rolling? One is too many, a thousand never enough.

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