Things are not always what they seem

I am reminded of a story I heard...
There was a little bird that got caught in a winter storm. He tried as he might to find shelter but found nothing. Exhausted he landed in a field, unable to go on and nearly frozen. A cow came by and saw the bird, who was so cold and tired he could not even call for help. The cow said nothing just stepped over the bird and crapped on him, then walked away.

The poor bird felt even worse, and began thinking, "Great, not only am I going to freeze to death, now I am covered in bovine excrement!" But after a moment he noticed how nice an warm he was now, and after a few minutes he was beginning to feel better. In fact after a little while he felt so warm that he began to sing again.

A cat heard the bird singing and went to investigate. It saw the bird and promptly dug him from the pile of crap and dusted him off...then ate him.

The moral of the story as it was told to me is, not everyone work craps on you or gets you into crap is your enemy, and not everyone who gets you out of crap is your friend.

I went through all that to say the things in life we go through are not always what we think it was. I have had things happen to me that were awful at the time but looking back, those things saved me and helped make me who I am today. I've also had opportunities and people in my life that seemed like great wins for me nearly destroy me.

Sorry for the long post. It is early and I have a lot running in my mind.


Great point :poop:

This is true. Rough situations create character.

Dang man that is deep