They say that one gets to know themselves better when

They say that one gets to know themselves better when alone. After over 11 1/2 years of not sharing any bed with anybody I learned a few things about me. I'm unwanted, undesirable and apparently unlovable. What's the point?

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im sorry u are feeling that way. i can relate but i am so involved with others in recovery that sleeping alone doesnt bother me any more!

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I have my doubts....

I don't fit in today's world

Not many meetings when I don't work..... 3-11 shift doesn't allow much access. Most day meetings don't have much after meeting fellowship, everyone has places they need to be.... even me(work)

I feel like a piece from an old discarded puzzle that got mistakenly put in with a new puzzle, similar but no fit.

that stinkin thinkin is no good! when im in my head i go be of service to someone in need

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None of that is true. I appreciate you, Greg. You show vulnerability, strength, patience to us.

Amanda, I do so appreciate the kind words, but if you had an inkling of the atrocities locked in my head, the thinks that no 22yo man should ever see or even know about, the barbarism that man committs against fellow man. It is times like this that I think I have lost all respect for our species as a whole. I am gathering my memories and emotions to lock them away until there is another Crack in the vault that needs welded up. The contorted faces...... severed limbs..... discarded bodies..... the sadist bastards that are unnamed and untouchable

I’m not going to jump into bed with you, but I do value your insight, experience and contribution to this site.

I’m not going to yank your chain about someone for everyone but the fun is in the pursuit right? Get vaccinated and hit sturgis. You’ve been sober longer than most ppl on this site have been wiping their own butts. Your stock is high brother. Get out there.

With the vaccine, I do not trust the science behind it, I do not believe in the manipulation of DNA to make vaccinations. It is not FDA approved for anything but emergency use. There has not been time enough to clear the testing process. What are the long term effects?
As far as getting myself out there, I do not see much out there... bars do not interest me, people intentionally making themselves stupid holds no interest and crowds are nothing but incoming rounds. I do keep a passenger seat on my bike in hopes of a passenger but it remains unoccupied.