There was a 12 year old girl at my house tonight…..WOW

There was a 12 year old girl at my house tonight…..WOW.

Are they all like that or could she have downed nine Red Bull’s before I came home?

I just spent 43 days living with 20 men in Sober Living and heard fewer words, the entire time, than I just heard in the last ninety minutes.

I believe it was English, because I recognized the sounds, but I found myself lost multiple times. I don’t believe I’ve ever used the phrase “Low Key” in 49 years but seemed to be an important part of her story for some reason.

And she wasn’t low key at all…she was amped! I don’t know if she has the same need for oxygen that the rest of us do. I think at one point she spoke, about her “crush”, for six minutes without taking a breath. I thought she might be turning blue but there were so many colors on her face, and in her hair, that I’m not sure how I would even know if she were suffocating.

Today’s teenagers are really impressive. While talking to me she somehow carried on six or seven other conversations by text AND posted something on Tik Tik WHILE eating Dorito Tacos from Taco Bell. Maybe all they teach in school these days is multitasking.

I don’t know what happened down there tonight. I think she experienced all of the emotions available to us in telling just one, long story. I’m sure she would have failed English Class at school….there were no periods and hundreds of exclamation marks in really odd places.

She was still talking to the back of my head as I walked up an entire flight of stairs to my bedroom. I closed the door and now I just hear…nothing.

Oh my God…nothing sounds amazing. I need a shirt that says “I Love Nothing” and I’ll just understand it myself and let people who read it try to figure it out on their own.

It’s a holiday weekend and I may not come out of my room tomorrow. She’s out there….somewhere yet everywhere in my house. I have water and a toilet…..I think I can make it with no food. I’m so afraid there’s another story where all characters, male and female, are named “bro”

In all seriousness she was a beautiful example of the vibrancy of the human experience and it was a joy to let her share the important things that are going on in her life….but I’m still not going out there again tonight.


:joy: I’m dying!

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I made it through the night but she’s down there…..just sleeping on the sofa bed….in the light….in the middle of the house.

I pay all of the bills here but somehow she’s in charge and she’s running the show because i’m so afraid.

I have dinner reservations at 7:30……leave by 6:45…..that’s 10 hours. I can do this, it may require a lot of Loosid time but I can do this!


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Thank you for reading my post Maggie!

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