The worst thing about when I was drinking heavily is

The worst thing about when I was drinking heavily is that I don’t remember the terrible things I said when I was drunk, but the ones I love have to replay every single word when they see me :pensive:

My relief from that was working the steps and cleaning my side of the street and then not being responsible for how they reacted..... lifted that FN weight off of my shoulders for life.


I still have some things to work on……it can be challenging to not feel remorse

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It takes time, once you start working the steps and taking that action the remorse will start to ease.

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Thank you, i needed to hear that

That’s what recovery is all about, sharing our experience, strength and hope, which hope for in recovery stands for.....hang on pain ends.

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8&9 are lifesavers.

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And 10 keeps us out of the dog house.......

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I have amended with them and they choose not to deal with me anyway which makes me very sad

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Hey that’s beyond your control. You’ve done your part to the best of your ability, it’s time to forgive yourself and dedicate yourself and your energy to service work. That’ll set you free.


Sometimes all we can do is make a living amens, and give the rest to God, it’s all about his will and his timing.

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