The urge is strong today

The urge is strong today. Could use some positive vibes :two_hearts:


You got this

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Get to a meeting. Don't be alone. You can do this.

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The urge will eventually pass, stay busy, do anything that will distract yourself from that thinking. You’ve got this!

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Gee my Urge was strong to stay sober and go to work, maybe because im elurgic to jail or Death

Great day for an iced tea and to be grateful that you’ll see the sun. To play with the kids. To read the 12&12. To hit a random meeting that you’ve never been to.

Or to eat tacos. I’m going to go eat tacos.


Hang in there kaylin.
The urge comes and goes just let it pass. Alcohol is poison and in the long run you are going to feel mentally and physically better without it :ok_hand:t4:

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You know what can help. Is reading Bill story and dr opinion. You conclude saying “It’s not worth picking up” happy reading

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Be strong kaylin! U got this!

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Call someone. Go to a meeting. Stay on here and chat. Whatever u do. Just Don’t Drink. Please. If there is no meeting u can get to. YouTube has great leads.

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I put them on when I can’t sleep sometimes. Also pray! I just did for you.

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You are going to be okay. Love yourself and be good to you today.

You’re already doing good by putting this post out there. Tell your thoughts to shut up and do other things to help get out of your head. Some things that work are go to a meeting, call another alcoholic, pray, ask your higher power to relieve you of your obsession to drink and read a chapter in the big book. Take it minute by minute if you have to just for today!!!

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It will pass, I promise

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Me too. We got this

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The urge huh...well think about this before u pick up. I said "just one hit" once upon a time. Had the world at my finger tips. A high paying job. A gorgeous girl. An amazing apartment in NYC. That one hit ended all of it that second. I lost it ALL. I ended up smoking crack in the project stairwells and sleeping on park benches. ..... Now think long and hard about the consequences

Stay strong :muscle: find something to keep your mind occupied