The unhappiest people are those who care the most

The unhappiest people are those who care the most about what other people think. Let whoever think whatever, just keep getting better. :facepunch:

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It's so true. I never had real peace until my HP spoke a Word and decided enough is enough- Amanda will be comfortable in her own skin. October 7, 2018. I am grateful.

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Amen! :raised_hands: Yeah, it's so blissful to finally feel comfortable in your own skin. One of the most simple, yet extremely profound, things I've ever learned is that inner peace is the A of life, not the Z of life.⁣ It's the most fundamental thing. ⁣If you don't have anything else, at least you must be peaceful. ⁣Peacefulness is being projected as the highest thing because when someone has a disturbed mind, peace will be the highest goal in their perspective.⁣ Anyway, thanks for sharing that with me. I'm truly happy for you! :grin: Have a Merry Christmas!

You know what I think??



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I needed this today :raised_hands:. Thank you!

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I'm a woman but I am no mind reader like the men are. :rofl::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Dave, you're the man, so you're the mind reader. You gotta know what I'm thinking. Not the other way around. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::rofl::joy:

There isn't any other way :blush::pray::+1:

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You're welcome, Melissa. Glad it was helpful! :slightly_smiling_face: