The story we tell about our addiction is important

The story we tell about our addiction is important and it should change as our understanding about ourselves change over time, often when we are mired within our active addiction patterns we can feel locked within what is happening to our life , addictive patterns takes more and more of our energy to attend to them we have less left to direct the rest of ourselves often this creates an automacity to the way life is experienced and we can feel as though life is happening to us and we become less self directed , we have to honestly to look back and take responsibility for having traded our autonomy for the rigidity of addiction in this way we change the story of our past from one of victimhood to one of understanding.


I love every word you have written. Well said. Life's outrageous fortune caused the proliferation of my victimhood and rightly so. I have changed my story from the injured to the conqueror previously in my experiences, and I will find the insight and strength to do it again. Sometimes it just takes time. The life/ death/ life cycle is an inescapable aspect of our material world. It will always be this way. I am reading a book called Atomic Habits by James Clear. Wonderful stuff! I am making life beautiful and hugely creative. It's my best hope to redirect my energy and flow. Best to you. Lisa

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Just so you know, I took your comments in a screenshot. I'll be reading this one everyday for a while. Thanks for the insight about the story of our addictions. :om:

Thank you Lisa, surely I will check the book

Well I will try to post one every Monday but no promise :+1:

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You are amazing!

Not really I just say what I feel, learned and understand, but thank you

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