The shelter i stay at found old nip bottles i

The shelter i stay at found old nip bottles in my room ( they were from my first date with my significant other so I kept them because they're sentimental to me. They are a year old.) They decided to " ground " me for having these empty bottles in my room. They gave me an 8 pm curfew every night and I can not go to my AA meetings. I need to go to a meeting. There are no other meetings in my area and virtual meetings do not help me nearly half as much as being there with all my sober friends. I feel like I will lapse but if I break the curfew I will be discharged and homeless on the streets. I am 19 years old.

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Hi Kaylee. This is a rough position to be in. You stated virtual meetings don’t help as much as in person which means they help in some shape or form. If they help, even in a small way, then it’s best to attend the virtual meeting.