The psychological detox from Crystal Meth is brutal, having a

The psychological detox from Crystal Meth is brutal, having a hard time. I’m at 35 days. Any tips or recommendations greatly appreciated.

Congratulations man I don’t know you but I am proud of you. Mentally meth is the hardest drug to get off of and recover from. I know this because in 10 days I will have 1 year from it. I’m going to guess that you still don’t have a lot of energy, feel alone, hopeless. I went through all that. Look up the word anhedonia. It basically means incapable of joy. Some people experience this with depression or other mental illnesses but quitting meth put me in this state of mind. It can take a while for our brains to heal and start creating its own dopamine. The best advise I can give you is go to meetings and be brutally honest about what your feeling people care.whatever you do stay away from the people, places and things that relate to it. Exercise,bike, lift. If you don’t have a job take a job that doesn’t stress you out. Basically keep yourself busy. Don’t ! Worry about what you are missing out on too. Chances are nothing good man. I believe you are past the hardest part. I am here for you to help you. I wish that I had this app when I decided to quit. Remember you are not alone in this

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