The need to stop drinking and be honest

The need to stop drinking and be honest with myself


This is really hard for me as well
I hit 31 days today sober
But sobriety is a different story

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Thats fabulous Steve! 31 days! I can’t even get a day! What did you finally say to yourself to get started?
I’m afraid to detox, and won’t do rehab again..... I must convince myself I care enuf to stop! It is the most selfish thing... to just keep drinking...I got to get my act together!!

Hang in there Ellen, you can get a day, just take it one moment at a time.

Well I lost everything
My wife left me I went on a 3 day binge tried to kill myself
And then went to rehab and meet some cool people and just said enough was enough

But yea take it one minute at a time and don’t over think it call someone if you need to just to talk it out

Hi Ellen. You can take it by moments. I know plenty who didn't take it day by day. Some started to give up drinking on weekends or certain days of the week and gradually became sober. You can try that. You may consider working the steps and getting a sponsor.

That first bit of honest with ourselves is so important. Recognizing that alcohol is taking more from us than it is giving ... it’s great motivation to get started on removing it

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