The movie “ The Matrix” really puts things into Perspective,

The movie “ The Matrix” really puts things into Perspective especially spiritually. I’ve been watching this movie for two days (I fell asleep yesterday) and today, someone named Keanu Reeves friend requested me on here.
Agents, agents everywhere.


It’s obviously a fake profile but the odds ? Either my phone is hacked or I’m THE ONE lmaoooo
This made me laugh had to post

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Yea, "Keanu" also sensed that there was a marathon with Point Break and Speed on a week ago or so on Paramount :wink:. He's everywhere :ghost: :rofl:.

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Should’ve been my HP :joy:

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I know I watched the Matrix. I don't remember what it's about.

Get the Mr Smiths outta here !!!

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Seriously, what are the chances?!?! I've been trying to watch that for a while but don't have subscriptions to anywhere that has it.

I get it now lol

LMBO! Crazy odds! Or did you take the blue pill or the red? Love that movie!

Coincidence is the word we use when we can’t see the levers and pulleys - Emma bull

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