The Good, Bad, & Ugly

I want to thank each of you for being part of the Loosid Community. Your compassion, strength, honesty, and humility are rare in many these days. Thank you for helping make Loosid a top Sobriety app.

With that being said, we want to hear from you. What do you enjoy most about Loosid? What areas do we need to improve?

Feel free to share below. If you're not OK sharing your thoughts publicly, feel free to contact us at or send me a DM.

I appreciate you all more than I can say. You are amazing. I'm grateful to have you as my [sober] family.


Thank you, Amanda. Its my second day on the app so I don’t have any recommendations. But I know the interaction is something I liked forward to all day today

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Thanks for joining. I'm glad you look forward to the interaction. Let me know if I can help with anything.

Obviously an app I’m active on and it keeps me accountable. Everyone here is very special and I’m grateful for that.
The low side is clearly the scammers/bots but this isn’t the only app with that problem.

I really enjoy this app. I’ve made some acquaintances that I look forward to meeting in person one day.

I do not know how to delete my “dating” profile. I see that many people on here, specifically the ones who are most active, are relatively new to sobriety, and as such need to be focused inwards. I almost feel like they should be 2 separate apps. One for support and recovery, and a second one for dating that is optional.

I might just need to try a little harder to figure out how to delete the dating part though. But when I come on and see the 3 lovely ladies in my area instead of the fellowship of recoverers, it detracts from what I’m here for.

I also think the scammers will go away to some extent if the romantic aspect is separate. Maybe?

First of all, you are a fantastic administrator. You engage and support us members. Seriously, you’re very good at it. And genuine. I like being able to connect with people who understand my struggle here. The only thing I can criticize about this app is the constant bombardment of crooks who prey on our vulnerabilities. Honestly, they’re so easy to spot. It’s still annoying. I don’t know how you could really fix that without taking away our ability to remain as anonymous as we like.

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