The Astrology Thread ✨

The Astrology Thread :sparkles:
Ok Let me first say this is NOT the thread to comment on how and why “astrology isn’t real.” I totally respect that opinion, and if you want that discussion, create your own thread titled “the astrology isn’t real thread” and have at it :crazy_face:

Now that’s out of the way, drop your zodiac sign! If you know your “Big 3” drop those too! The Big 3 are your sun sign (probably the one you’re most familiar with), your rising sign, and your moon sign.

I’m a Libra sun, Gemini rising and capricorn moon :slightly_smiling_face:

Looking forward to finding out everyone’s signs!


How do you determine these? I'm a sagittarius… Not sure of the rest :blush:

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There’s a couple of ways you can do it. Probably the easiest is to download the app Costar and put in your information. It will ask for location of birth, birthday, and time you were born. Then it will populate your entire astrological chart!

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Pisces the rest I'll have to figure out :yum:

Known as one of the most “psychic” of all signs! :crystal_ball:

Id believe that lol

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Have you noticed you have some psychic vibes? Lol

I read people pretty well .. I go alot off vibes actually..and there have been quite a few times when I was younger anyways that I did have some interesting experiences. But as an adult not so much..

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Aquarius :aquarius:, Pisces :pisces:, and Taurus :taurus: … you know, all the awesome ones :sunglasses:


Aquarius sun

Libra rising

Scorpio moon

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Ah that makes sense. I’ve heard that children and animals tend to be more in tune with these things

Haha love it! Aquas are one of my favorite signs!

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Libra rising! :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:

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The age of Aquarius :aquarius: … I always think of that dance scene from The 40 Year Old Virgin's credits. If you haven't seen it just Google it. It's worth a few minutes :rofl:


Haha! :joy: Yeah, I love that movie. It's been a long time since I've watched it so I'm going to watch it tonight.

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Gonna try it may be interesting

Let us know what you find out!

Virgo here!

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Virgo sun virgo moon gemini rising