Thanks so much for all the advice and support does anybody have any tricks to help with detox symptoms such as the night sweats and horrible sleep? I’m gonna try melatonin, but that ( may or may not ) have given me weird dreams in the past- I’m having freaky dreams now anyway - maybe it’s just that I’m not entering as deep a sleep and so remembering them
I don't know what you are detoxing from but depending on how long and how much you've been using I'm sure youll be able to decide if a home detox is a good idea or not
I know it took me months to get my sleep back in order and i use to have some vivid dreams not a fan...everyday you don't use it will get better though remember that
Chew gum, clean out junk drawers, closets, your dresser, work out, walk, run, pray and anything to keep your mind busy. You got this.
Your body and mind are resilient af, but if it was 10 miles into the woods, it’s 10 miles back out. Be patient. Be kind to yourself. Drink more water than you ever have before. If you’re detoxing from alcohol you should start to feel a bit better at day 5. That’s when the night sweats, shakes and insomnia just kind of broke. It didn’t go away, just peaked and then started loosening up a bit.
Trader Joe’s well rested tea helped me, also creating a night time routine and reading the big book until my eyes got heave. It takes time but I sleep sound now and have no trouble falling asleep.
yes, all of that…
Hiking is my natural antidepressant and feel good mojo
Thank you- sounds right… I’ve experienced the same before, about a week of really uncomfortable night sweats, then gets better. No way to dodge it, I suppose. Attitude makes a difference too, like you said- 10 miles in- 10 miles out. Knowing it’s not forever. Thanks
Thank you my friend… a good night’s sleep will be a sweet reward.
Oh good idea! I love tea. And an excuse to go to Trader Joe’s all good advice . Thank you!
Hi gorgeous I had 18 months and I relapsed so I went back to a detox clinic and I realized drinking alcohol wasn't for me and more it was my first time going there I don't know but if you want some advice message me back ok