Thank you everyone and the internetđź’“!

I just mentioned this to a friend and wanted to share: I just feel that I owe a huge thank you to this app and Zoom and geez just our complete accessibility to any online community!!!

I never would have been able to get this connected to other alcoholics and people who know how my mind is a working and working against me and stay sober. It's beautiful how all of this instant communication had made starting to live a healthy, sober life less scary because you can ask for help from a lonely couch and then finally decide to turn on your camera, share, message someone and ultimately walk into a physical room and say, "Hi, my name is ... and I can't do this anymore ".

Did anyone else feel like the availability of online meetings made starting easier to ease into getting help?


That is a great topic you bring up. For me (and I only bring this up for discussion, as I am sure many would disagree), I think if one is in a situation where there are no support groups nearby then the internet would be a useful, maybe even necessary tool. And also if a person is considering recovery but is nervous about it, the net can provide some basic info to get started.

That said, there is a lot of misinformation out here in cyberspace. When I talk about topics, I make sure that what I say can be cited by credible resources, or at the least with tangible examples. One has to be discerning and open minded in order to filter fact from baseless opinions. I am personally on this app for education. There are many different people in different stages of recover and with different thoughts on it, and I find this could all be helpful to me in the future.

For myself though, I am Blessed to have tons of meetings and support groups in the small town in which I live, and definitely need the physical presence of other people as opposed to the virtual world.

Btw Melissa, from what I've seen on here, you work a strong program… Thank you for the inspiration you give on here!!

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Thank you Melissa, you are an inspiration to me and many others on here! You always have great comments and shares in this community's posts. It is people like yourself that make this place feel like my home group! :ok_hand:

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Thanks Kevin and Matthew, I appreciate it. Just been feeling very moved and finally just welcomed by people :relieved:. Living sober outside and around people is actually looking possible :ok_hand:.

I love your positivity!

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