Ten days. When will the sugar cravings subside?!

Ten days. When will the sugar cravings subside?!


Never lol. Is what it is! I don't mind it,

I can try to divert it to spicy though. Sometimes

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Man im STILL dealing with the sugar issue :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: I don’t know that it leaves


Mine still haven't, but junk food was my first addiction

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I'm afraid I have bad news for you…:laughing:


It’s better than the alternative but yeah it doesn’t go away

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Yeah mine hasn't gone anywhere… I traded my drinking habit for an ice-cream habit. I never wake up hungover… So I think it was a good trade :sweat_smile:

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Almost 5 years and mine are still very much alive and kicking 🥲 check out the book Recovery 2.0 by Tommy Rosen. He intertwines nutrition with substance abuse recovery, it’s a great read.

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I use a Stevie and coffee alternative.It tricks my system well enough.

It might take awhile! Pounding candy in early recovery is extremely common. It's obviously not a great habit but as far as harm reduction is concerned, it can be really effective. Just worry about your sobriety for now and reassess the sugar situation in a month or two would be my advice :sweat_smile: ten days is awesome, I'm proud of you!

P.S. I read some other responses and I can say for me that dropping sugar hasn't been too difficult, so my experience differs from some people, but I took my time with it, and I didn't worry about it for the first few months. The most important thing right now is early sobriety, everything else is a secondary concern

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Seriously never lol! I feel like I've gained lots of weight being sober, but I'll take it! My sugar intake is crazy! I have never used so much sugar in my coffee as I do now lol :laughing:

Ride it out i love that

At least your not thinking I got this

Damn I came to read this thread for some hope lol guess my cadbury chocolate bars aren't going anywhere for awhile. Loll

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Yeah that's a big no…. I eat this every night. The equivalent of 6 shots of gin caloricly :joy:

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Lol I'm the only person I know that doesn't really like ice cream that much :sweat_smile:

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I didn't either till I quit drinking :joy:

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For me, after quitting almost nine years of heavy drinking the sugar cravings lasted about 3 months. They were always in the evening around the time I used to start drinking. At first I gave into them, but eventually I started leaning into more healthy alternatives like frozen berries and smoothies. I still crave sweets more now than I did while drinking, but it’s within the range of normal and I’ve still net lost weight since I quit.

This is so true. I actually used to brag about not being tempted by sweets before I quit drinking.

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To be fair… I run alot so I need all the calories I can get :joy: